Ideal Client Survey
This is a quick, 20-question survey to see if we’re a perfect fit…
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What is your name? *
Does your business fall under one of the following categories? *
Have you ever had or currently have a Social Media Manager? *
Do you or anyone else manage (or has managed) your brand/company’s digital marketing? *
Is there someone who does your business’ copywriting for you? *
Who designed your website? *
Are you happy with your social media accounts? *
Do you feel like your digital marketing efforts are helping your business reach more people/obtain new clients? *
Do you have an established brand voice? *
Do you like your website? *
Do you feel the need to have weekly calls/meetings? *
What is your preferred method of communication? *
What time zone are you in? *
Do you have a set budget for digital marketing efforts or web design? *
What are you MOST interested in when it comes to your social media accounts? *
Do you own/are a part of a digital marketing agency that needs help managing its own clients? *
If you answered “yes” to the question above, then how many clients do you need help with?
Clear selection
Are you interested in a short or long-term freelance partnership? *
Last but not least, in a few words, what do you expect from a freelancer?
Clear form
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