Summer 2021 - Yiddish Chicago Classes
Sholem Aleykhem!

Chicago Yiddish, a joint effort of Chicago YIVO Society and the Chicago Workers Circle, is excited to offer three summer Yiddish classes online starting in June 2021:

Beginners Yiddish III with Noah Barrera, for those who took Noah's class in the winter or have his permission.

Advanced Beginners Yiddish III with Benna Kessler, for those who completed Benna's class in the winter or have her permission.

Intermediate Yiddish III with Annie 'Anye' Kaufman, for students who completed Anye's class in the winter or have her permission.

For more detailed information on dates, teachers, and tuition, please visit this link: 

After you register for the class, you will see a link to pay for your class through PayPal. Full tuition is $180, and reduced tuition is $130 (guideline of $40k or less in income). No one is turned away for an inability to pay, if you need additional support or a payment plan please email us at the address below.

Starting this summer, we are also offering the Dr. Khane-Faygl Turtletaub Memorial Scholarship to cover full tuition for one student. To apply for the scholarship, please email

For any questions on classes please email

Al dos guts,

Yiddish Chicago
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