FOCOS Application 2024-2025
Email *
Name *
Family name *
Email Address *
Date of Birth *
Street Address *
City *
Country *
ZIP or Postal Code
Phone Number *
Location you are currently living in (if different from above)
Status *
First Language *
Second Language *
# Years of Staff (For CRU staff)
Roles/Titles *
Personal Mission/Vision Statement *
Describe your understanding of what coaching is and any coaching experiences you have had. *
During your first 6 coaching sessions you will be coached on a goal of your choosing. Are you looking for coaching in any of these specialty areas? *
Do you prefer a male or female coach? *
Are you able to be coached in English? *
If not, what language is best for you? *
How can you use coaching in your role/ministry? *
Any other information or special need you wish us to know as we select a coach for you? *
For CRU Staff - Your Leader's Name
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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