OJW's Hear & Now # 21
Tadd Dameron
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Please use your best sounding playback equipment and make a point to, as much as possible, just listen to the music and not simply let it be background music to other activities.
Listening Tip: Tadd Dameron wrote music that was high energy and complex. Listen to how his arrangements keep the rich sound of an 18 piece big band while using smaller instrumentation.
Tadd Dameron • "Tadd's Delight" written by Tadd Dameron
Tadd Dameron • "Focus" written by Tadd Dameron
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Overall how much do you like this recording of "Focus"?
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Tadd Dameron's greatest influences were George Gershwin and Duke Ellington who were also both pianists and composers. Do you feel that his music reflects these influences? Please explain.
Would you listen to other recordings by Tadd Dameron?
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So that OJW Faculty know that you have participated in this listening assignment, please include your first name and the instrument you play below.
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