Practical Wisdom Survey
This survey is designed to give Practical Wisdom the information necessary to provide YOU with better content. We want you to get the most out of our content, so we want to know what you need, want, like, and enjoy.

No personal information is required. In the end, you'll receive a free PDF on goal setting.
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Do our videos help you? *
What's your favorite content on our channel? *
How long have you been following Practical Wisdom? *
What's your age range? *
Are you proud of consuming helpful content? *
What would you like more of?
Tell us what you like the most and what you'd like to see next on our channel. Any suggestion is accepted!
If you'd like to receive potential future updates and secrets directly via email, type your best email below. This is optional. If you do insert your email, you give Practical Wisdom consent to sending you updates, secrets, and tips occasionally. We will NEVER send spam.
What other self-help/business channels do you like? *
Do you believe that buying a home is a great investment? *
Would you consider yourself a fan of Practical Wisdom? *
What do you think about online courses? *
How did you find Practical Wisdom? *
(optional) Your Email
If you'd like to receive potential future updates and secrets directly via email, type your best email below. This is optional. If you do insert your email, you give Practical Wisdom consent to sending you updates, secrets, and tips occasionally. We will NEVER send spam.
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