Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice 2023 Alabama Pilgrimage Application

The 2023 trip is currently full, but you can still fill out this form if you are interested in being contacted if a spot opens.

About The Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice

The Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice unites churches and individuals to bring about racial justice in our community and our world by:

  • Educating and organizing around racial justice issues to generate dialogue that promotes truth telling, forgiveness, and healing.

  • Inviting racial groups to interrogate their internalized and socialized behaviors, beliefs, and practices.

  • Examining individual, structural, and systemic racism in our society.

  • Addressing the influence of Western ideology and Eurocentric beliefs upon Christianity and how the church continues to play a role in notions of superiority.

2023 Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice Alabama Pilgrimage

The Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice is hosting a pilgrimage from March 27-31, 2023 to places in Alabama important to the civil rights movement so that we can learn about the history of racial injustice and the civil rights movement and hear testimonies of God’s work through individuals and churches to pursue justice through nonviolent resistance. As a church-based partnership, we will incorporate worship, prayer and Scripture into our time together, as we seek wisdom to process what we learn faithfully and to understand what it means to pursue racial justice.

Commitment & Logistics

  • There are limited spaces on the pilgrimage. Once all applications are received, we will select a group with the priority of having diverse representatives across ages, races, and partnership churches.

  • The pilgrimage will take place by bus March 27-31, 2023. Participants are expected to participate in the full experience (travel by bus and all events).

  • Pre-trip commitment: Pilgrimage participants are also committing to 3 pre-trip meetings during the fall and winter to build community and prepare for the trip through readings and possibly watching a movie together.

  • Post-trip commitment: We expect participants to engage with people in their churches after the trip. There will likely be an event planned to share photos and stories from the trip, but we also plan to help participants process how they can share what they learn in informal conversations. Our prayer is that God will use the pilgrimage to raise up ambassadors who are able to articulate the ways love of God and neighbor intersects with issues of race and justice.

  • Financial commitment: The true cost of the trip is $1020 per person. We do not want finances to limit participation, so there will be a place on the application to indicate if you need financial assistance. We are working to secure funds to lower the overall cost. Everyone selected for the trip will be expected to make a $100 deposit to hold their spot. Deadlines and amounts for subsequent payments will be communicated with acceptance.

  • What is covered: Cost includes all meals (except one dinner), all transportation, all hotels (double occupancy), honorariums for foot soldier speakers and guests, and entrance to all events and museums

  • If you are applying with a partner or youth, please fill out a single application and list both names.
  • We want to have a range of voices represented, which is why we are asking for this information.
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Email *
I am applying for:
Full name(s): *
Ages (check all that apply) *
If you are bringing a youth, please type their age(s) here:
Racial identity: *
Church: *

Have you participated in any other studies or events sponsored by the Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice? (If yes, please list)

In a few sentences, please tell us why you want to participate in this pilgrimage:
Do you agree to the pre and post trip commitments described above? *
Do you need financial assistance? (This request will be kept confidential). If you are not comfortable submitting this information here, you can also email
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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