Modern Wellness Community Morning  - Friday, November 20th
Join us on Friday, November 20th starting at 8:00am EST on Zoom for a virtual Modern Wellness Community Morning featuring Kerry McGinn of Live Good, Feel Good.

The holiday season can be stressful -- we have all been there traveling, rushing, and lots to do.  In this community together, Kerry will discuss mindful ways to move and breathe through the holiday season so that you can feel good in your mind, body and soul.  We will chat about ways to move well while traveling in order to prevent common travel discomforts, improve fascia mobility and lymphatic flow, as well as help your nervous system prepare for whatever the season has to throw at you. Think self massage techniques, journaling, breathwork, recommendations, movement and more!

Plus Britt Olson will kick off the morning with a special grounding meditation in order to bring our awareness into the shared space together and align us for ultimate receiving. All attendees will receive one of Britt’s latest breakfast recipes.

We will wrap up with a Q&A and free space to get to know one another, further developing a community with other outstanding beings. All are encouraged to attend with their favorite morning beverage, breakfast, and cozy space for ultimate inspiration!

If you sign-up and are not able to attend we will send out a recording after the morning.

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Do you have any preliminary questions about the topics of mindfulness, movement, breathwork or any of the above listed topics? *
What are your current stress levels? *
What causes the most stress in your life right now? *
Do you have any experience with self massage? *
By checking the box below I agree to receive email updates from Britt Olson and Kerry McGinn regarding the topics of health and wellness, mindfulness, movement, breathwork and more! *
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