Evidence-Based Prescribing of Practices in Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Dr. Jess Calohan, DNP, PMHNP-BC
This presentation will discuss the neurobiological underpinnings of PTSD and review evidence-based prescribing practices. The presentation will also discuss collaborative care and patient engagement strategies to assist in the management of PTSD symptoms.

Activity ID# 19093917

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Which of the following describes you? *
Emotional memory is managed by which part of the brain? *
Which of the following neurotransmitters are primarily responsible for the “fight or flight” response? *
What would you expect with cortisol levels in patients with long-term or chronic PTSD? *
Which of the following are challenges with pharmacotherapy in PTSD? *
Benzodiazepines in the treatment PTSD are: *
Which of the following medications are FDA-Approved for treating  PTSD? *
TCAs vs. SSRIs or SNRIs demonstrate: *
Evidence suggests Atypical Antipsychotics can be used as monotherapy in PTSD? *
There is robust evidence to support the use of Mood-Stabilizers as adjunctive therapy in PTSD. *
Which of the following best describes an appropriate titration schedule for Prazosin in treating combat related nightmares? *
As a result of my participation in this activity, I am better able to examine the neurobiological underpinnings of PTSD:
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As a result of my participation in this activity, I am better able to analyze evidence-based pharmacological treatment interventions for treating PTSD:
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Dr. Calohan demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic?
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The content provided fair and balanced coverage of the topic?
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The content was free commercial bias?
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As a result of my participation in this activity, I am better able to describe standardized screening tools for PTSD:
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Dr. Calohan fully disclosed any conflict of interest and discussion of off-label usage of medication and/or medical devices at the beginning of, or during the presentation?
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Dr. Calohan's objectives/content topics were cohesive with one another?
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This activity enhanced my current knowledge base?
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I would recommend this activity to my colleagues?
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