Employer Feedback form
Dear Employer
Sri Venkateswara College requests the employers to take some time out of their busy schedules in order to fill the following Employer Feedback Form. This Employer Feedback form is an attempt to understand from the employer's their needs and requirements and accordingly improvise our curriculum and teaching learning process. We believe both the industry and academia should go hand in hand and in order to build a mutually fruitful collaboration its important to gather feedback.
Kindly fill this form, the data gathered from this form will only be used for improvement process.

Sri Venkateswara College

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Name of the Company *
Address of the company *
Name of the person filling the form *
Job Title of the person filling the form *
Email address *
Rate the level of satisfaction with regard to our students *
Highly satisfied
Highly unsatisfied
Calibre of the students
Skills and courses are relevant to your organization's requirement
The speed with which the course curriculum is being adapted to the industry requirements
Why do you hire our students? *
The institution's reputation
Relevant subject/ discipline
Quality of employable skills
Successful past experience with the institute
Would you be interested in having the following collaborations with our institute
Which of the following knowledge skills and attitudes  are important for hiring? *
Very important
Very unimportant
Not applicable
Subject knowledge
Information Technology Skills
Data analysis
Verbal communication
Written communication
Team spirit
Leadership skills
Time management
Self motivation
Thinking critically
Cope with change
What additions KSAs will you like to see in our students *
Please write any additional comments that you might have *
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