Super Heroes Humane Society Board of Directors Application
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Email *
Name *
Complete Mailing Address *
Cell phone number *
Current Job Title and Description (include Employer information) *
Have you ever been convicted, plead guilty, or plead no contest to a crime?  If yes, please explain. *
Please list your educational degrees, including name of institution and degree or major.
Please list your past and present membership on boards and committees, including business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, religious, and social. *
Please list any notable achievements in your service to the above organizations.  
Please describe your other volunteer experience.
Please list your fundraising experience.
Board members play a critical role in essential fund development of a nonprofit organization.  What amount do you comfortably feel you can contribute either through fundraising or personal giving?
What is your experience with Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans? *
Did anyone recommend you apply for a board position?  If yes, who?
Why are you interested in serving as a Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans board member? *
SHIRJ's policy is that all cats or dogs owned by or within an approved foster or adopter's home must be spayed/neutered unless there is a medical or other compelling reason prohibiting the procedure.  Do you agree with this policy?  If no, please explain.   *
Please check each skill and/or interest you would bring to our board.   *
Are there other unique talents or skill sets you bring as a board member?
Board meetings are held once a month for 2 hours.  Each board member is required to serve on and/or lead a committee that will also meet 1-2 times a month.  In addition, board members are asked to attend special events throughout the year.  Can you reasonably commit this amount of time?   *
Because we serve live animals with a variety of needs, there are times when board members must step in to help with immediate decisions.  Are you available during the day (via text) to contribute to these conversations and decisions? *
It is imperative that board members have an understanding of the shelter itself and the day-to-day operation of it in addition to knowledge of the animals we care for.  What steps will you take to make yourself aware of the challenges we face every day? *
Please list three (3) references, not related to you, and their phone numbers.   *
Thank you for your interest in serving on our board and helping animals in need!  Is there anything else you'd like us to know?  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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