Beach School Research - Teacher Questionnaire
Researchers from Edge Hill University would like to invite you to share your perceptions on Beach School practice as it has been experienced in your school. The aim of the research is to develop an understanding of how Beach School is experienced across the North West and the value it can offer to pupils. All responses will remain anonymous and you are free to withdraw your data at any time by using the 4 digit code you create.

Please click this link for the full information sheet regarding the project which explains the . 
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By ticking this box, you confirm you understand the project and give consent for your information to be used anonymously within the research.
Please create a 4 digit code which will be used to withdraw your data, should you wish to do so at any point.
1. What does Beach School mean to you? How do you define it?
2. Have you delivered or observed Beach School sessions yourself? Tick all that apply.
3. Approximately how many times have you delivered or observed Beach School sessions and with which age groups?
4. What activities have you delivered or observed on the beach? What have been their aims in terms of the children’s learning? Which subjects have these involved?
5. What responses have you observed from pupils in relation to their experiences with Beach School? What do you think have been the reasons for these responses?
6. Describe the most successful Beach School experience you have delivered or observed. What made it work?
7. How confident do you feel about delivering sessions on the beach?
Not confident at all
Fully confident
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8. What has influenced this score, i.e. what makes you feel confident or unconfident?
9. What factors could prevent, or have prevented you from delivering Beach School sessions?
10. Have you observed any specific groups of pupils who benefit more than others from Beach School? Identify which groups.
11. In what ways do you think Beach School can positively impact on pupils? You might consider learning, health, personal or social development or any other benefits you have observed.
12. Are there any negative impacts or issues associated with Beach School? If so give details.
13. Have you made any connections through Beach School with the wider community, external agencies or other educators? Please specify.
14. Are there any potential collaborations you could suggest in your local area to improve the delivery of Beach School?
15. Do you have any other comments about the delivery of Beach School in your local area and your own opinions about this?
Thank you very much for your time. If you are interested in participating in a short interview to share further perceptions of Beach School, please add your email below.
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