F is for my Father wears a Fez: A Hands-on Workshop with Selina Alko
Thursday, June 24 at 3:30PM (NYC time)

Join award winning illustrator and author Selina Alko for a book reading and Culture Doll-making workshop. Selina will read I Is for Immigrants, an alphabet picture book companion to the popular B Is for Brooklyn, that weaves together a multitude of immigrant experiences in a concise, joyful package.

Selina will share about her own heritage and ask participants to think about their family's origins - their ethnic/cultural customs, clothing, symbols, language, foods and more. There will be time to do a little research on this. Inspired by this information, Selina will lead the group through a hands-on workshop to make Culture Dolls.

Supply list includes:
Pattern papers (origami, wrapping paper)
Scraps of fabric
Yarn (for hair)
Markers, colored pencils, or paints
If paints then also brushes and container of water
Writing sheet or notebook
Paper body (this will be sent to participants the morning of to be printed out ahead of time, or copied at the beginning of workshop)

Registrants will receive a Zoom Meeting link the morning of the event (June 24), and will need to create a free Zoom account prior to joining in. For questions, please contact Lindsay at lindsay@societyillustrators.org
Name *
Email *
Culture Doll example by Selina Alko
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