ADCDEA Interest Form
Thank You for your interest in the ADCDEA in Kampala, Uganda April 21st - May 2nd, 2024! For more information on the event and for registration, tickets, partnerships, or sponsorships please visit the website at If you are looking for the 15% Discount code for flights please also fill in your contact information below and you will receive an email with the discount code to book your flight. We hope to see you in Kampala!
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Country of Origin *
Country of Residence *
Gender *
Mobile number (eg. +1 404 957 7864) *
Which of the specialty packages are you interested in? (All International Arrivals are on April 21st) *
Which of the specialty events are you interested in? (All International Arrivals are on April 21st) *
Which Accommodations are you interested in? *
If you are not African born how many years have you lived in Africa?
Organization/Business Name (Put none if not applicable) *
What best describes the industry of your business or organization?  *
Any health conditions that will prevent mobility please describe below (Put None if you have no restrictions) *
Any dietary restrictions that we need to know about to prepare the resort staff? (Put None if you have no restrictions) *
Please see the detailed itinerary below for the 7-Day trip and the 3-Day Extension. Pricing and packages will be available starting February 2024! Let's make Black History in 2024 with the ADCDEA in Uganda!
3-Day Extended Stay and Travel to the City of Jinja for a Cuisine, Adventure and Culture Tour!
I agree to allow the ADC Ambassadors to utilize my responses for reporting purposes as needed for the successful execution of the ADCDEA. *
I understand that I am responsible for all expenses outside of what is provided for in the package or event that I would like to purchase. I understand that those payments are to be made before arrival and that at no time are any of the ADC Ambassadors responsible for any flight bookings, canceled reservations or canceled flights, or acts of GOD that may occur in the planning or execution of the ADCDEA. *
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