Financial Stress Test
Based on your score (from 1 to 10) you would be able to analyse how stressed out your finances are.

Score Chart:

1-5 = Little Stressed (May need to revise your financial strategy)
5-8 = Stressed (Revise your financial strategy today)
8-10 = Too Stressed (Hurry up & Revise
your financial strategy RIGHT NOW)

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Let the Test Begin!!
Do you regularly worry about running out of money before your next paycheck? *
1 point
Do unexpected expenses cause significant anxiety or disrupt your sleep? *
1 point
Do you feel overwhelmed by debt or struggle with minimum payments? *
1 point
Do you hesitate to check your bank account balance or avoid opening bills? *
1 point
Does your financial situation negatively impact your relationships with family or friends? *
1 point
Due to financial strain, have you had to cut back on essential expenses (groceries, utilities)? *
1 point
Do you have money saved for emergencies or future goals?
1 point
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Do you constantly think about money and how to make ends meet? *
1 point
Has your financial situation caused you to feel depressed, hopeless, or overwhelmed? *
1 point
Do you avoid investing in stocks, mutual funds & other options worrying about less capital?
1 point
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