July 15th, 2021
Todd Sammons, PGA
Director of Member Education, PGA of America

Catalyst Quiz: A score of 70% or higher will earn 1 MSR credit for attending.  Please note, the Catalyst Quiz may only be attempted ONCE.
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1. Which one of the following is not one of the PGM 3.0 career paths? *
1 Punkt
2. After the pandemic subsided, Associates where extended an additional year per level from 2 years to 3 years before suspension *
1 Punkt
3. Of the three career paths available in Level 2, which is the most popular amongst the Associates? *
1 Punkt
4. Executive Management is by far, the most popular discipline.   *
1 Punkt
5. Which one of the following questions was NOT asked on a regular basis of Todd Sammons when educating Associates at PGM 2.0 & 3.0? *
1 Punkt
6. There are __________ Associates in Level 1 nationwide. *
1 Punkt
7. In 2010, the golf world lost 110 golf courses.  The fast majority of them were in ____________. *
1 Punkt
8. If an Associate does not complete a level in 3 years, they become suspended.  If they fail to complete a level for 5 years, they become ___. *
1 Punkt
9. Todd Sammons is the __________________ for the PGA of America at the National level. *
1 Punkt
10. There may be a correlation between Golf Operations being the most popular career path and the presence of more mentorship in golf operations versus teaching & coaching and executive management.   *
1 Punkt
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