200-hr Foundations YTT Hardship Grant Application
It is our intention to use our grant program to offer opportunities to those who would otherwise not be able to participate, and to make our offerings accessible to everyone who feels called towards progressing their yoga by immersing themselves in the foundations of yoga and teaching. To apply for a limited $500 hardship grant, please complete the form below.
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Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
Have you practiced at Suvita Hot Yoga
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Why did you decide to do teacher training at Suvita Hot Yoga?  
Are there specific teachers that have inspired you?  
Please share a little of your yoga journey with us: where and when did you start your practice?  What made you roll out your mat that first time and what keeps you coming back?
How do you plan to share what you learn in this program?  How will you make the world a better place using the tools provided in teacher training?
How would receiving this hardship grant specifically benefit you and your current situation?
DISCLOSURE TERMS: I certify that all the information I have provided is complete and accurate, and that I have given a full disclosure of my financial status. I understand that all the information in this application will be kept strictly confidential, and only used to determine my eligibility for a grant. *
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