Kwestjonarju dwar l-andament tal-Parroċċa
Il-kummenti ġenwini tagħkom jgħinuna nwettqu l-missjoni tagħna fil-Parroċċa b'mod aktar effettiv.
Tħossok viċin jew parti mill-Parroċċa?
Do you feel part of the Parish?
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Involut b'xi mod fil-Parroċċa?
Are you involved in the Parish?
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Jekk iva, kif?  Jekk le, għaliex?
If yes, how?  If not, why?
X'jogħġbok fil-Parroċċa?
What do you like in the Parish?
X'tixtieq tara jsir aħjar?
What would you like to see improved?
Għandek xi suġġeriment kif dan jista' jsir?
Do you have any suggestions of how this can be done?
Taħseb li tista' tgħin b xi mod f'dan?
Do you think you can help in any way in this?
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Tattendi quddies Ħ'Attard?
Do you attend mass in Attard?
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Jekk iva, liema quddiesa tattendi?
If yes, which mass do you attend?
Tixtieq tipparteċipa fil-quddies bħala lettur, animatur
daqq ta’ xi instrument? (Jekk iva, imla l-formola)
Would you like to participate in mass by reading, singing or playing an instrument? (If yes, please fill in the form)
Tixtieq twassal xi ħsibijiet jew suġġeriment oħra?
Would you like to share any other thoughts or suggestions?
Kemm qegħdin fil-familja?
Number of people in your family?
Etajiet tal-membri tal-familja
Ages of your family members
Grazzi tal-ħin u l-kummenti tiegħek!
Thank you for your time and comments!
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