Youth-Led Humanities | Cambria County Library
Completing the information below registers you to participate in Youth-Led Humanities.  You will only be asked these questions once this year.  We collect this information at every YLH program location to learn about who chooses to join in.  No individual information is publicly shared.  
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First Name *
Last Name *
What is your or your caregiver's email address? *
Which type of school do you attend? *
When is your birthday? *
What is your current grade level?  If it's the summer, which grade did you just complete? *
In terms of race and ethnicity, how do you identify?  Please check all that apply.
In terms of gender, how do you express yourself?
Clear selection
What is your ZIP code?
Have you participated in YLH before this program year?
Clear selection
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This form was created inside of Allegheny Intermediate Unit.

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