YouTube Channel Viewer Preference & Satisfaction Survey
Hello, The Pinkfong Company communicates with children all over the world through Pinkfong, Baby Shark, Bebefinn and Hogi YouTube channels.

We conduct this preferences and satisfaction survey to enrich viewers' experience while watching our channels.
Your feedback would be highly appreciated, and is valuable for better channel operation and future content production.

Please be advised that your comments are anonymous and will only be used on improving our contents.

Thank you in advance for your time!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which channel did your child watch before responding to this survey? *
What is your child's first language? *
How old is your child? *
When does your child usually watch videos on our channel? *
On average, How long does your child watch our videos each day? *
What is your child's preferred length for our compilation videos? *
What type of videos does your child prefer? *
Which topic of videos does your child enjoy the most? *
As a parent, how much time would you like your child to spend watching our videos each day? *
As a parent, what type of our videos would you like your child to watch? *
As a parent, what topics of our videos would you like your child to watch? *
How satisfied are you with our channel's EDUCATIONAL contents for your child? *
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
How satisfied are you with our channel's ENTERTAINMENT contents for your child? *
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Do you have any other comments or suggestions? Freely share your comments, contents recommendation, improvements or simply anything you would like to leave. :)
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