Fairatmos Experts Registration Form
Hi there, welcome to Fairatmos! Thank you for your interest in joining our climate Expert Network. Please join us on our mission to provide everyone a fair chance to access the carbon market and actively participate in the restoration of our planet. Please spend 5 minutes to complete these questions below to get you started right away. 
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Email *
What is your full name? (will not be displayed on the website) *
What is your Whatsapp number for easier communication & scheduling consultation time with Fairatmos? *
What is your Linkedin profile URL?
Please select area of expertise that applies for potential Fairatmos' project developers support? *
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Could you please share your short biography and expertise (s) (max. 2 sentences)? (Example: " 10+ years of experience in blue carbon research and mangrove-based carbon project. Their main expertise is mangrove carbon measurement, biodiversity, ecosystem rehabilitation and restorations") *
How many years have you been in this field?  *
What language do you speak? *
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