Shards of Britannia - Patron Registration
This form is intended for existing monthly donors of Shards of Britannia on

If you are not yet a donor and would like to be, you can learn more here:

Please fill out this form to register your Patron status to your in-game accounts.
Email associated with account *
Please provide the email address associated with your account that you use to donate with

If you're not sure which email address you used, go to
Contact Info: Discord or Email *
How should we contact you about your Patron Benefits if we need to? 

If you use Discord please provide your Discord username that looks like My Name Here#1234

If you do not use Discord or wish not to be contacted on Discord then please provide a contact email address 
Read The Details

Please make sure to read over the Donations Wiki page to understand what Patron Benefits offers & what the Account Limit is for your tier

In-game Account IDs *
Please list your in-game account ID(s), comma separated for multiple accounts

The in-game account ID should look like ab-1234 and it is case sensitive

To find your in-game account ID you can log in to any character on the account and use the /accountid command, or you can login on the Legends of Aria - Account Dashboard to retrieve it as well

Entering multiple accounts should look like: ab-1234, ab-3456, ab-7890

Please follow the Account Limit for your Patron Tier as described on the wikiIf you submit more accounts than permitted for your Tier the benefits will only apply to the allowed number of accounts in the order you list them in. 

Final thoughts
Once submitted, your form results are saved to your Google account. This allows you to come back and edit your responses at any time if you made a mistake or need to change something. 

In any case, it may take up to 30 minutes for results to be reflected in-game.

Thanks so much for your contributions to the project, we appreciate you very much! 
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