Church Facilities Request Form
If you would like to submit a request to reserve the Abundant Life Church facilities, please complete and submit this form. Once reviewed, you will be notified of approval or denial by the Event Coordinator.
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Requester name: *
Enter first and last name.
Requester phone:
Enter phone number where you may be contacted.
Requester email: *
Enter your email address so that the Event Coordinator may contact you.
Event Start Date and Time: *
Event End Date and Time: *
Church facilities you are requesting: *
Select all facilities you will need for your event.
Event description: *
Please describe the type of event you are planning.
Are you a member of Abundant Life Church? *
If you answered No above, list family members or friends attending the event who are members of Abundant Life Church.
Additional Equipment and/or Resources
Select required items for the event:
Operator Contact Information
If Sound, Lighting, Vehicle Operator, Security or Key Holder is needed, please list below. Itinerary is due to the operator no later than one week prior to the event.
Rental Fees
All rental fees for the use of church facilities are due at least two (2) weeks prior to the event start date.  Your event will be confirmed on our church calendar once the appropriate security deposit and fees have been paid to the church.  
Security Deposit
All events require a non-refundable security deposit of $250.00 that is due within 48 hours once the event has been approved.  Your event will be confirmed on our church calendar once the appropriate security deposit and fees have been paid to the church. In cases where the estimated damages exceed the deposit, the renter of the church facilities will be held personally liable and are therefore responsible for paying the excess.

All payments sent via USPS mail should include a reference to the renter's name, the event date, and the event time to ensure timely processing. Checks or Money Orders sent via USPS mail should be addressed as follows:

Attn: Laura Brown (Event Coordinator)
Abundant Life Church
630 Farrs Bridge Road
Greenville, SC 29611-1861
Payment Method *
Select the payment method you will be using for the Security Deposit transaction.  (* Online payments via PayPal will be available in the near future.)
Expected Date you intend to provide Security Deposit payment:
Your payment is due within 48 hours once the event has been approved by the event coordinator.  Your event will not be entered and confirmed on the church calendar until the Security Deposit payment  has been processed by Abundant Life Church.
A minimum notice of three (3) weeks prior to the event start date is required for all cancellations. Any cancellation notice less than three (3) weeks prior to the event start date will result in a deduction of 50% of the security deposit amount.  If the cancellation is due to adverse weather or a family death, Abundant Life Church will work with the renter to reschedule the event or return the deposit.
Policies In Effect
- Any media needed for the event must be submitted to ALC Leadership one week prior to the event. Failure to provide slides, music, etc. by this deadline will result in them not being available for use during the event.

- Events must be concluded and cleanup completed by time reserved.

- All trash associated with the event must be placed in trash bags and deposited into the dumpster at end of parking lot.

- Use of the kitchen must be specifically requested and authorized prior to the event.  The kitchen must be cleaned in full including (but not limited to), sweeping, mopping, and wiping counters and cook tops.  No leftover food (cooked or raw) should be left in the refrigerator after the event.  All paper goods, cups & utensils are to be provided by the renter.

- Rooms will be returned to their original arrangement. Tables and chairs must be cleaned and put away in closet in an orderly manner.   Floor must be swept, mopped and/or vacuumed.

- Decorations for any event should be of the kind that will leave no permanent marks on the facility.  The use of nails, screws, thumb tacks, staples, tape or any type of glue on any equipment, walls, or furnishings is prohibited.

- Absolutely NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES are allowed in or on any church property.

- No tobacco or vaping products are allowed in the buildings (hallways, foyers, and restrooms are included.)

- With the exception of service animals, pets are not allowed inside any of our church facilities.

- All drivers of church vehicles must be approved by the Event Coordinator reviewing the request.  Pre-trip and post-trip vehicle maintenance/inspection is always required.

- All resources designated for operation of the lighting and/or sound equipment must be approved by the Event Coordinator reviewing the request.

Checklist for gymnasium
  • Make sure leftover food is removed
  • Take trash to the dumpster in the corner of the parking lot
  • Wipe down all tables used and put away
  • Stack chairs in the closet
  • Wash, dry, and put away any dishes that were used during the event
  • Wipe down counters, stove tops, and any other surfaces that were used during the event
  • Sweep & spot mop gymnasium
  • Sweep & mop kitchen
  • Sweep & spot mop foyer (if applicable)
**Report any damage immediately to Pastor Brown

Checklist for daycare building
  • Make sure leftover food is removed
  • Take trash to dumpster in corner of parking lot
  • Wipe down all tables used and put away
  • Stack chairs
  • Wash, dry and put away any dishes that were used during event
  • Wipe down counters and any other surfaces that were used during event
  • Sweep & spot mop daycare
  • Sweep & mop kitchen
**Report any damage immediately to Pastor Brown

Checklist for sanctuary
  • Take trash to dumpster in corner of parking lot
  • Sweep & spot mop foyer
  • Vacuum areas used (including but not limited to sanctuary, stage, choir room, hallways)
  • Wipe down counters and any other surfaces in the restrooms
**Report any damage immediately to Pastor Brown
Acceptance of Terms
By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree to your responsibilities, as the renter, surrounding the Fees, Security Deposit, and the Policies In Effect.
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