Schoolhouse Kitchen + Studio is a great place to learn baking and cooking skills while gaining valuable work experience over the summer. Schoolhouse JC's are a valuable part of our summer crew. They connect with campers in a way that our instructors sometimes cannot (they're the cool kids :) ). Our JC's assist our staff in setting up the craft of the day, play with the kids at the park and help our instructors execute a successful camp all while learning valuable cooking skills, and attending a week of free t/ween camp as a big THANK YOU!
Junior Counselors are working with Summer Counselors, Lead Instructors, and Assistant Instructors and will learn how to manage, support, and guide successful cooking classes and camp activities. Many Junior Counselors will return in future years to become a Schoolhouse Summer Counselor or Instructor.

Junior Counselors must be 14 or 15 years old, be willing to attend training sessions, and be responsible for a work schedule. Shifts are typically 8am-12pm or 12pm-4pm Monday-Friday and you can choose how much you would like to work. Application information will remain confidential and should be completed with your parent or guardian.

We have 3 Schoolhouse Kitchen locations this summer 2023! Wicker Park (2337 W. North Ave), Portage Park (4410 N. Milwaukee Ave) and Oak Park (1011 Madison St). 
Please be sure to let us know which location is best for you.

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Email *
Schoolhouse location you are interested in volunteering with *
your preferred pronouns *
address *
phone number - where you can be reached *
Tell us about your work or volunteer experience and special skills you have. Even if it's being helpful around the house... or you like making pancakes on the weekends. What can you do? What do you like to do?   *
Please tell us about yourself! List any hobbies and skills you have. Do you like to cook? Craft? Work with kids? Tell us more! *
What schedule would you prefer? We work 8am - 12pm or 12pm - 4pm M-F (you can choose which days and times you work). Please list any "unavailable dates" when you know you are traveling/in summer school/etc.  *
Your parent/ caregiver's name *
Parent/ Caregiver cell phone: *
Parent/ Caregiver email: *
Have you ever taken classes at Schoolhouse before? *
For parent/ guardian:I give permission for my child to volunteer at Schoolhouse Kitchen + Studio as a Junior Counselor, and understand that there is no monetary renumeration. I give my permission for Schoolhouse Kitchen + Studio to photograph or record my child on video at Homesteading Camp. Photos and videos may be used in marketing and promotional materials for Schoolhouse Kitchen + Studio or for training purposes. I understand that my child must attend a mandatory training prior to their first week of volunteering. I certify that all items contained in this form are accurate. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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