Family School Climate Survey
We want to hear about your experiences with your child’s education that includes the areas of learning, school safety, interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the school environment and your personal involvement in school.
All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses.  As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent or caregiver at your child’s school.

If you have children that attend more than one building, please take a separate survey for each building that you have students in. 

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes and should be completed by November 26th, 2022.
Thank you for your time and participation!
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What is your race? (mark all that apply)   *
Beyond that, is there another ethnic group with which you identify?    Please indicate group below:
Does your student participate in any of these programs? (mark all that apply)   *
1. Mt. Pleasant Public Schools has a clear Mission- To Empower Excellence and a clear Vision statement, "To create an inclusive school community of engaged, inspired and empowered learners." *
2. Our school/district provides opportunities for stakeholders to be involved in the school.  (Stakeholders would be: parents, students, community members, staff) *
3. The staff keeps the school's goals in mind when making important decisions.
4.  Our school/district provides sufficient materials and resources to support student learning.  (including but not limited to: computers, Ipads, enoboards, manipulatives, books, consumables) *
4a.  Instructional materials are up to date and in good condition. *
Teaching and Learning
5.)  Teachers at my student's school promote academic success for all students. *
6.)  I am informed about what my child is learning about in school. *
7.)  I receive feedback about how my child is doing in school. *
School Safety
8.)  My student's school sets clear rules for behavior. *
9.)  School rules are appropriately enforced at my student's school. *
10.)  My student feels safe at school. *
11.)  My student knows the safety protocols at school. *
12.)  My student feels safe going to and from school. *
Inter/Intrapersonal Relationships
13.)  I value K-12 education
14.)   My child has 1 or several friends at school. *
15.)  My student feels successful at school. *
16.)  My student is frequently recognized for good behavior. *
17.)  I feel comfortable talking to teachers at my student's school. *
18.)  The most effective way my student's school or district communicates with me is by:  (check all that apply) *
19.)  I feel welcome at my student's school. *
20.)  I feel like I am a part of the school community. *
20a.) What ideas or suggestions do you have to provide a more welcoming and inclusive learning environment in our school?
School Building Environment
21.)  The following areas in my student's school are clean and well maintained:   *
Parent Involvement
22.)  I attend parent/teacher conferences for my student. *
23.)  My prefered parent/teacher conferences format is  *
24.)  I am actively involved in activities at my student's school. *
24a.)   I would like to volunteer at my child's school. *
If so, fill out the Volunteer Application located on the parent section of our district website, and send an email to your building principal and/or teacher.
25.)  My student’s school connects students and/or families to community organizations/resources for mental health supports, medical/dental, and food or financial assistance when needed. *
26.)  Please use the space below to provide any information or feedback.
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