Questions for Candidates
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Candidate Questionnaire
Do you support defined-benefit pensions (instead of defined-contribution) for current and future employees, including public employees?
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Do you support Medicaid Expansion in Texas?
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Do you support pay and pension increases for all employees and retirees?
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Do you support ending penalizing of under-65 retirees for early retirements from their state pension programs, especially in their health care costs?
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Would you support more accessible voting rights laws for Texas seniors?
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Do you support the expansion of affordable housing for seniors?
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Do you support the definition of pensions as deferred income rather than “entitlements” or "gifts from employers?"
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Do you support  system of dues checkoff for employees to allow employees to make regular voluntary contributions to a union or association or charity of their choice?
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Do you support regular cost of living increases for all retirees?
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Do you support a teacher/school employee seat on the Teacher-Retirement-System Board and a rank and file non-administrator employee on the Employee-Retirement-System Board?
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Candidate Name *
Office sought *
Mobile phone
Email *
Additional comments?
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