INFN Strings "Young Days" - Dec 13
Application form to give a short 20' talk at the "Young Days" of the INFN Strings Web Seminars on December 13, 2021
Email *
Full name (given+(middle)+last) *
Institution *
Are you affiliated with INFN? *
If you replied 'yes' to the previous question, to which unit ("sezione")?
Current position *
PhD advisor (only if you selected PhD in the previous question)
Link to Inspire page *
(Tentative) title of talk *
(Tentative) abstract
Would you like to attend in person (in Milan-Bicocca) or remotely? *
If you replied 'In person', how many days will you stay in Milan?
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If you replied 'In person', do you have your own funds or would you like to require reimbursement from us?
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