Evangelisation Fund Application
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If the application is not being made by a priest directly, please give the name and contact details of the priest supporting the application:

Your Initiative
Please describe briefly the nature of your proposed initiative:

Where will your proposed initiative principally be carried out within the Archdiocese of Glasgow? (parish/cluster/deanery, etc.)

What is the amount of the grant being requested?

How will the grant be used?  Please give a general breakdown of costs, where possible:


Please describe in what ways the initiative is “new”:


What are your plans for local budgeting and fundraising to match any grant that might be available from the Archdiocese?


Initiatives can be based in parishes, parish clusters or deaneries but with a strong emphasis on greater collaboration.

Do you plan on collaborating with other parishes or Catholic groups in your local area?


Evangelii Gaudium (no. 14) describes the three settings in which the new evangelisation is to be carried out:

  1. In the area of ordinary parish ministry where the faithful need to be continually re-evangelised. This would also include those we often describe as ‘lapsed'
  2. Those who are baptized but “whose lives do not reflect the demands of baptism, who lack a meaningful relationship with the Church”
  3. Finally Evangelii Gaudium reminds us that “evangelisation is first and foremost about preaching the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ or who have always rejected him”

Please describe in what ways your proposed initiative will address one or more of these areas of evangelisation and who this will serve:

The information provided will be shared within the Archdiocese inline with our Privacy Policy

Thank you so much for completing Stage 1 of the Application Process.  Someone will be in touch with you regarding your application, normally, within 6 weeks from submission deadline. 
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