SGT/TET ENGLISH-12th English grammar test -1
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1.Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word 'power'. *
1 point
2.The term 'asphyxia' denotes the state of _____. *
1 point
3.Select the correct expansion of the acronym 'RAM'. *
1 point
4.Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ' safe' to form a compound word. *
1 point
5.Choose the clipped form of the word 'introduction'. *
1 point
6.Foreign word:
My grandpa had a tete-a-tete with the family members.
1 point
7.Question tag:
The caricature is very funny, ____?
1 point
8.Phrasal verb:
Raju looks weak because of his recent illness.
1 point
We shall meet tomorrow evening _____ 6 p.m.
1 point
10.Choose the right euphemism(Polite alternative) for the word 'deaf'. *
1 point
11.Choose the di syllabic word.
1 point
12.Choose the correct plural form of the word 'focus'. *
1 point
13.Choose the correct compound word for the combination "free kick". *
1 point
14.Choose the correct expansion of "IPC". *
1 point
15.One who studies the "fossils" is called _____. *
1 point
16.Foram a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word "lingual". *
1 point
17.Sentence pattern:
He smiled uncomfortably.
1 point
18.Choose the from the options given to form a compound word with " water". *
1 point
19.Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word "dignified". *
1 point
20.Choose the clipped form of 'zoological park'. *
1 point
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