Collaboration Application Form
This is the form to apply for the Sun-kissed Rinshi Zine. Sun-kissed is a free fully digital zine centered around summertime and the ship, Rinshi. Please read over the rules and guidelines for this zine before applying. See rules here.
Applications close May 27th
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Because you are applying for this together, please write down the names, intros, social media and Discord account for both members.
Name *
Short Introduction
Please write a little about yourself. You do not have to write anything too long, just the information you would like to be included on the contributors page at the end of the zine.
Social Media Handles
Discord Account
Most of the communication of this zine will be on Discord, so it is required that you have a Discord account that we can contact you by.
Name *
Short Introduction
Please write a little about yourself. You do not have to write anything too long, just the information you would like to be included on the contributors page at the end of the zine.
Social Media Handles
Discord Account
Most of the communication of this zine will be on Discord, so it is required that you have a Discord account that we can contact you by.
Here you will link 3 pieces of art that you believe would best showcase your talents for this zine. Given that this is a Rinshi zine, at least one piece must include Rin or Shiemi. Rinshi work is not required but highly encouraged. Additionally, you will send a link to an account or a more full portfolio that you would like to share. If you guys have worked together in the past, it would be preferable that you send in your collaborative work here. If you do not have any previous collaborative work, please just send some work from both people. Although NSFW is NOT allowed in the zine, you may submit an entry that falls into that category if you feel it reflects your best work. All we ask, is if you do include it, please put a warning before the link, like so: (NSFW)- (link)
Artwork/Writing 1
Artwork/Writing 2
Artwork/Writing 3
Artwork/Writing 4
Link to full Portfolio/Art Account/AO3 Account
Link to full Portfolio/Art Account/AO3 Account
An additional space if you have 2 accounts you want to share. Please specify who is who.
Please Select What Kind of Collaboration You Wish to Do
Do You Have Any General Ideas Already?
This doesn't affect anything, I just want to hear a handful of ideas to potentially avoid any repeats.
Rules Confirmation
Age Confirmation
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