Care Recipient Application
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Name (First & Last) *
Address (Street, City, State, Zip) *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
How did you hear about Faith In Action?
Place of Worship
Living Arrangements *
Mobility Assistance
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Do you receive medical assistance?
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Are you part of the Elderly Waiver Program?
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Are you part of the Alternative Care Program?
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Do you receive SSDI or SSI benefits?
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Please list any other programs currently providing services to help you stay in your home.
Do you have a case manager/social worker?
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If yes, please provide name & phone number.
Emergency Contact (name, relationship, & phone number) *
Services Interested In (check all that apply) *
I certify that they above information is accurate and I give my consent for Faith in Action of Dodge County to conduct a routine background check. *
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