Order Form - Bulk Premium Grains & Legumes
The Organic & Regenerative Investment Co-operative (ORICoop) enables organic producers to expand their existing markets, building a shorter 'Farmers Own' supply chain, and making more products accessible to meet the growing demand for quality bulk organic produce in Australia, locally, domestically and internationally.

There is a high demand for good quality certified organic premium grains and legumes, and we are working  with our growers and partners to build a stronger network of organic producers, including diverse organic products, processors and reputable organic brands.  We are keen to enable you to access your bulk requirements direct from organic producers to your door!

For more details of ORCA products - https://organicinvestmentcooperative.com.au/opportunities/orca-organic-produce/

ORICoop is founded on the principles of Co-operative values, supporting organic businesses with more resilient food production systems.  We support organic businesses that are expanding and diversifying their existing organic supply across a mix of products.  While enabling more producers to be more profitable, and grow healthier food more sustainably for the long term across Australia!


Your type of business
Location & Region
Your organic grain requirements
Amount and type of organic products required
Longevity or regularity of delivery

** Upon completion of your initial Order Form an ORCA team member will be in touch regarding your specific requirements and to confirm your order.  Including the current availability, potential delivery time, logistics, processing and delivered price.  

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Email *
Name (in full) *
Mobile Phone number *
Area/Region (main/central base) *
Name of your Business or Cooperative (for bulk purchase)
What area of organic produce is your business most involved in?  And what type of business are you?
Which of these bulk products are you likely to purchase over the next 12 months? (please add other with suggestions below)
Specifically what type of products are you looking for? (include any specifications around each product)
What bulk volumes and regularity of each product are you likely to require over the next 12mths? (eg 5t/month over the year) 
How often do you expect to require this produce (considering your storage limitations?)
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What processing requirements do you have for each of the products you have listed?
Are you purchasing from existing producers or manufacturers in relation to these products?  If so from which areas? 
What region are you keen to source from (close to where is it likely to be processed/sold)?
What product/produce do you find most difficult to source?
What percentage of these products do you currently import (that is certified organic) if any?
What are your key barriers to increasing the amount of Australian grown, certified organic product that you use in your business?
Is your business currently certified?  Is so with who?
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Can you include links to your existing markets or organic products (for context)?
Is traceability and transparency direct from producers important to these products?
Are carbon neutral products of interest to you?
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