Moms Against Racism Questionnaire
This questionnaire is CONFIDENTIAL and will ONLY be viewed by our MAR Advisory Board &Leaders.

*MAR is a non-partisan organization*

Mission: Doing The Work as Moms Against Racism. Starting with unifying our parenting skills to adopt anti-racism practices and nurture appreciation for diversity, inclusion and equity at home.

Outcomes will be established within each Local Chapter to address the needs within your respective communities.

*During the first meeting you will be provided with a confidentiality and accountability resolution that will need to be completed by your second in-group session *

We ask that you consider saving your answers for you to refer to during your journey with MAR.


Now, Let's Get to WORK.....

Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
First Name *
Last Name *
Your Age *
Country of Residence *
State/Province of Residency *
Postal Code of Residency *
Children Ages *
Children's School District & School *
Are your Children Homeschooled?If yes, are you the primary educator within your household? *
Children's Grade Level(s)
Do you support the Mission of MAR? And, why is the MAR mission important to you? *
What do you wish to obtain (First, Personally) within this group? (Secondly, as a MOM) *
Get Involved: How can you "Show up" and do the work with MAR?
Describe your cultural affiliation *
Will you adhere to the rules & guidelines within the MAR communities?
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Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or children that can make this a more "comfortable and safe space" for you and your children?
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