Mind5 Explore your Optimal Performance Tour
Hey Mind5!
(A High Five from a distance)

Thanks for joining the Explore Tour. Follow the next steps to secure your spot!

1. Fill in the form
2. Ask you buddy to fill in the form too
3. We will create a program that fits your needs and goals
4. A few days prior to the event our Head Coach will contact you to discuss your goals and possible injuries

We look forward to meeting you!

Team Mind5,

Karin Sloove - Mind5 Trainer
Koen Fillekers - Director Coaching & Operations
Roelien Piron - Founder & Director Product Development

Mind5 Training B.V.
Faça login no Google para salvar o que você já preencheu. Saiba mais
What is your name? *
What is the name of you buddy (please ask your buddy to fill in this form too)? *
What are your email addresses? *
Which tour would you like to attend *
Where do you and your buddy live? *
Where did you hear about this tour? On our website? From a friend? ...? *
What are your phone numbers? *
At what time could you be in Zaltbommel? *
Why would you like to join this tour? *
Why did you sign up with this buddy? How do you know eachother? *
When would this day be a success for you? *
How sporty are you? Do you have injuries? *
Would you like to share something else with Mind5? *
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