Scholarship Reporting Portal
Students wishing to share the scholarship and grants they have been given at Awards night must enter the information about their awards here.  
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Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Name of Scholarship or Grant (Examples:  Presidential Academic Award from UTSA,  JHS Athletic Booster Scholarship, Women's Club of Pleasanton) *
Is this a one time award or renewable? *
If it is renewable, how many times can you renew it?
TOTAL dollar amount of award.  If it is a renewable award for 3 years then do the math and give the total you potentially could get.  If it is a one time award, don't do any math.  Just list the amount.  If it is a grant, you can estimate getting a similar amount each year. *
Any other information you want to provide to better explain this award?
You may submit this form as many times as you need to.
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