<KOREA> Quiz Event
Did you enjoy the November issue of KOREA featuring kimchi?
For those who’ve taken a glance or read-through, here’s a simple quiz open to all!

It’ll take less than a minute to guess at the two questions and possibly win a prize!

- Event duration : 2021. 11. 03 ~ 2021. 11. 23
1. Every winter, people in Korea get busy with kimjang, or ‘making and sharing kimchi’. Cabbage, chili pepper powder, salted seafood and other ingredients across the country are gathered in household kitchens to make large quantities of kimchi. What is the name of this region where 70% of winter cabbages for kimjang are grown? *
2. This has been widely consumed for its rich nutrients and nutty flavor. In the Silla Kingdom, there was even a saying, “if you eat this porridge for 3 years, you will become a sinseon or an immortal spirit.” What is this? *
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