Request to Access Meewasin Education Resources
These resources have been created in partnership with Saskatoon Public Schools and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools to encourage & support Educators in land-based learning.

K-12 Science - includes lessons for all grade levels focused on Science, Environment Science and Biology.

9-12 Indigenous Connections to the NE Swale - includes lessons for grades 9 - 12 focused on Treaty Outcomes, Arts Education, Social Studies, History, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Science & Health Science.

A Meewasin staff member will contact you to provide a link to these resources as soon as possible (*please note that our team is in the office Wednesday through Sunday).
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Your Name (First & Last) *
Your Email *
Name of your group/school/organization *
Your School Division: *
What grade-level and subject do you teach? *
How many learners in your group will be utilizing the resources? i.e. what is your class or group size? *
Which set of resources are you interested in receiving? *
How often do you utilize the Meewasin Valley with your group? *
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Would you like to be added to Meewasin's eNewsletter to stay up to date on future educational programming opportunities and resources? *
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