McNitt Downtown Discovery Field Trip

Downtown Discovery Field Trip

Team McPherson, McNitt, and Jackson will be traveling to downtown Traverse City on June 6th, 2023.  Students will need to bring a snack or two.  Waters will be provided, along with a small backpack (which is a secret!  Shhhhh!).  One of the highlights of our trip will be a visit to the City Opera House.  Then we will take time to investigate our city with a fun and exciting scavenger hunt.  

We will make stops at the Visitor Center, Post Office, Horizon Books, and many more businesses.  Part of our experience will include purchasing a “good” and/or “service,” as we’ve recently learned in our Social Studies curriculum. Students will be purchasing a boxed lunch from Grand Traverse Pie Company, purchasing a stamp to mail their friendly letter, donating $1 to the City Opera House, and spending the remainder at our local shops. We are able to do all of these things because our PTO has generously donated $10 per student and the Grand Traverse Pie Company has generously given us a low cost of $2 per boxed lunch.

We are very limited with how many chaperones we are taking on this trip because we are trying to keep our numbers low and our groups small as we walk through stores.  At this time, we have reached our limit of chaperones.  We will keep you posted if our numbers change.  As always, siblings are not permitted to join, so please make arrangements as necessary.  

We are very excited for this day!

Team McNitt, Team Jackson, and Team McPherson

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