SJSP Membership Form 
When you submit this form, you certify that you have read, accepted and will adhere to the TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP.*

As a member of SJSP, I solemnly affirm my commitment to the principles and values of the SJSP community. As a member, I understand and pledge to abide by the following oath:

I pledge to uphold the core tenet of SJSP, which is peaceful protest, as the primary means of expressing my activism. I recognize that peaceful protest is a powerful tool for social change and a reflection of the values we hold dear.

I understand that any activist conduct I engage in, which falls outside the realm of peaceful protest, shall be considered a violation of the principles and goals of SJSP. Such conduct may include but is not limited to acts of violence, destruction, or any form of harm towards individuals, communities, or property.

I acknowledge that any engagement in non-peaceful activism automatically results in my exclusion as a member of the SJSP community. I understand that this exclusion is necessary to maintain the integrity of the organization and to ensure that our collective efforts are focused on promoting positive change through peaceful means.

I am committed to fostering a community that embraces diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background, beliefs, or identity. I will strive to create an atmosphere of understanding, empathy, and unity within the SJSP community and beyond.

When applicable, I pledge to actively participate in peaceful protests, demonstrations, and other forms of nonviolent activism, while adhering to the principles of respect, compassion, and integrity. I will work towards the betterment of society, seeking justice, equality, and positive transformation through peaceful means.

By taking this oath, I willingly embrace the responsibilities and obligations that come with being a member of the SJSP community. I commit to upholding the values of peaceful protest and to be a force for positive change in the world.

*In the event of an arrest, it is important to have your legal name in order to advocate on your behalf effectively.
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Email *
First Name (Legal Name) *
Last Name (Legal Name) *
Perferred Name & Pronouns  *
I certify that I am at least 18 years old and of lawful age (If you answered "No" a parent or guardian signature is required*) *
"I hereby certify that I am the legal guardian of the aforementioned individual and am signing this document on their behalf. I acknowledge and accept that by signing this document, I release SJSP (Social Justice as a Spiritual Practice) from any and all legal repercussions that may arise from the individual's participation in SJSP activities." (Sign by typing name below). *
Address *
City *
ZIP/Postal Code *
Phone Number *
Would you like information to become an SJSP volunteer? *
Please include Emergency Contact Name &
Emergency Contact Phone Number below
Please include all relevant social media handles below. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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