課程報名表  Event Registration
Kelvin Chua 2-Day Masterclass 3 - Voyage 帆船
日期:11~12/1 (星期六至日)
時間:9:30 am - 7:30 pm
導師:Kelvin Chua

Kelvin Chua 2-Day Masterclass 3 - Voyage
Date: 11~12/1 (Sat to Sun)
Time: 9:30 am - 7:30 pm
Instructor: Kelvin Chua
Medium of Instruction: English, Cantonese & Mandarin
Fee: HK$4,800
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課程內容  Class Description
🔸 製作皇室糖霜
🔸 了解皇室糖霜的濃稠度
🔸 唧皇室糖霜花絲的技巧
🔸 製作流質糖霜片的技巧
🔸 組裝3D三桅帆船的細節

📌 適合任何程度。
📌 學費已包括所有材料和證書。
📌 教室提供在課堂中使用的所有材料和工具。
📌 以上課程將視乎進度,下課時間可能稍作提早或延遲。

What you will learn:
🔸 Making royal icing
🔸 Understanding royal icing consistencies
🔸 Piping royal icing filigree
🔸 Making run-out pieces
🔸 Assembling royal icing parts into a 3D caravel

📌 Open to all skill levels.
📌 The tuition fee includes certificates and all materials.
📌 All tools and materials to be used in the classroom are provided.
📌 The end time is a rough estimate and will vary depending on actual progress.
導師簡介  Instructor's Profile
來自馬來西亞的Kelvin老師是 vinism sugarart 的創辦人。他是國際知名的蛋糕藝術家,也是著名的皇室糖霜及蛋糕繪畫大師。他曾參加多個國際蛋糕設計大賽,獲獎無數。Kelvin老師更是Cake Masters Magazine Award 2018的皇室糖霜大師獎項得主。Kelvin老師現在專注教授他獨特的風格和技巧,並巡迴在世界各地授課。他可愛的個性和上課的風格很受學生愛戴。


Kelvin Chua is the award-winning founder of vinism sugarart based in Malaysia. He is an internationally recognized cake artist and master of royal icing and cake painting. He has won many awards and competitions and is now travelling worldwide to showcase his amazing skill to passionate students. Kelvin was also the winner of the Royal Icing Category in the Cake Masters Magazine Award 2018. A hugely lovable personality and one of the few male international tutors, Kelvin is very popular with Blossom Cakes' students.

Kelvin works almost exclusively with royal icing and teaches students how to pipe in 2D and 3D decorations, create embroidery effects, stained glass effects, lace effects and many other exquisitely unique features in royal icing.
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