COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Survey
Welcome back to the 2021-22 school year! While we are hopeful this year will bring about some since of normalcy, we acknowledge that there are still challenges ahead presented by COVID-19 and it's variants.  We continue to monitor the situation and are pleased that the vaccinations have provided our students and employees with an opportunity for increased safety, while at the same time loosening the strict quarantine requirements under which we operated last year.  

The vaccines are particularly timely since neither the federal or state governments granted COVID leave for the 2021-22 school year. As a result, any employee who contracts COVID-19, or any non-vaccinated employee who is a close contact of someone who does, will be required to quarantine, and will be required to use his/her own sick leave.  

Accordingly, in order to allow us to properly implement the quarantine protocols this year, it is essential that we know who has been vaccinated and who intends to be vaccinated.  Hence, we have prepared this brief survey for all employees to complete.  Please understand that your responses will be maintained in confidence.  

Thank you for your cooperation.  We wish you a safe and productive school year!

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First Name *
Last Name
School/Site *
Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19? *
If yes, have you received both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines?
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