2024 AFM User Workshop
The AFM workshop is open to all UA students and researchers who will be using Atomic Force microscopy for their research projects.  Lab attendance is limited to 12 and preference will be given to new AFM users.   Lecture attendance is not limited.  The 3-day AFM workshop (August 20, 22, and 23rd) will consist of lecture and lab sections geared to introduce new users to the technique.  Topics covered will include contact mode, intermittent contact mode (tapping or AAC mode), liquid imaging, and data analysis.  This workshop is provided free of charge, and the deadline to apply for the course is Monday August 19th at 5 pm.

Workshop schedule with lab assignments will be emailed on Monday August 19th.

Workshop is sponsored by Nanosurf.

Workshop Leads: Dr. Brooke Massani, Dr. Jason Hsieh, Dr. Eugene Ogorodnik, and Sam LaMotte
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Research Advisor *
Briefly describe how you will use AFM in your research.
Please Select the Day You Would Prefer to Take the Lab Section of the Workshop
Labs will be held from 1 pm to 5 pm on the assigned day.  You will only attend one day of labs.  On Monday August 20th, I will email out a workshop reminder with lab assignments based on your selections.
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