Whitney Commons Reservation Request
Please fill out all the form below to make a reservation at Whitney Commons.  Reservations must be made at least a week in advance.

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Email *
Today's Date: *
Name of Person / Organization Responsible for Event: *
Day Phone Number: *
Evening Phone Number: *
Postal Address, City, State, Zip: *
Email Address: *
Requested Event Date: *
Alternate Requested Event Date:

If requesting multiple event dates, please list all those dates below.

Event Start Time:
Please include sufficient time for set up and clean up within your requested event time as others may have the space reserved adjacent to your reservation.
Event End Time:
Please include sufficient time for set up and clean up within your requested event time as others may have the space reserved adjacent to your reservation.
Event Title and Purpose: *
Is this event open to the public - Yes or No? *
Number of People Expected at Event: *
Will there be food - Yes or No?  If Yes, please describe: *
Will the event include outside food providers / caterers - Yes or No? If Yes, who will be providing the food service? *
Each food vendor must provide Whitney with proof of permit from the State of Wyoming Health Department.
Will there be music and / or entertainment at the event - Yes or No? If Yes, what type of entertainment? *
Do you need access to electrical outlets - Yes or No? If Yes, how many outlets? *
Will there be alcohol served at the event - Yes or No? If Yes, who will be serving the alcohol and what kind of alcohol? *
Any event requesting to serve alcohol must attain a Various Use Permit for use of alcohol from the City of Sheridan and special event insurance with the standard liability of $1 million listing Whitney Benefits as additionally insured. Proof of the Permit and Insurance must be provided to Whitney Benefits at least 10 days before the event.
Location of Event: *
Please select the preferred location(s) for your event.
Captionless Image
What equipment will you be setting up for your event? Please describe. *
ADVERTISING - Will you be advertising your event in the park? Please mark below what you will be using to advertise your event in Whitney Commons *
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