AUBG Alumni Pledge Gala Evening & Party
Fellow Alumni, Students, Faculty, Trustees, Administration, Friends,
The AUBG Alumni Association is inviting you to celebrate together the highlight of Year One of the Alumni Pledge in Support of AUBG fundraising campaign.  
The Gala evening will mark the culmination of Year One of the campaign aimed at raising 300,000 USD in donations for AUBG (first step on our 10-year 5 mln USD Pledge plan). The celebrations will be attended by the Board of Trustees, AAA and AUBG leaderships, distinguished guests, and will feature short presentations on worthy causes that would benefit from the campaign, and participating alumni from all over the world through live video calls.  
Performances from some of the most talented students, alumni and faculty will complement the festive part and then, it would not be a true AUBG happening if it does not follow-up with a full blown DJ party.
Please read more about the Alumni Pledge and donation causes here:
Join in and Go the extra mile for AUBG... and Let's have a blast of an AUBG party!
See you at the Gala to enjoy an evening of great food, music and dancing, so bring your friends and loved ones too. There will be a live steam of the event as well (stay tuned).
DATE: Oct 11 /Fri/
TIME: 19:00
VENUE: City Stage, National Palace of Culture, Bulgaria Sq 1, 1463 Sofia

Facebook event: 

Dress code is business casual. We look forward to seeing you there!

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