11+ Online Registration
By completing this form and returning it to Churston Ferrers Grammar School, you are registering your child to sit the 11+ examination at Churston Ferrers Grammar School.

Please complete this form by Midday on Wednesday 16th July 2025 where possible (or by midday on Tuesday 2 September 2025 at the very latest). You must also complete the Common Application Form for your Local Authority by 31st October 2025. A school place cannot be offered unless the Common Application Form has been completed.

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Email *
Surname of Child *
Forename(s) of child *
Date of Birth *
Full address and postcode *
Sex *
Parent/Guardian email address *
Parent/Guardian Contact number *
Primary School Attended *
Does the above named have a sibling at Churston who will still be on roll in September 2026? *
If yes, please provide full name and year group.
Does your child need any special requirements to take the test? (if yes please specify in the box below) *
If yes please specify
Is your child in receipt of free school meals *
Has your child received free school meals in the last 6 years (do NOT include the universal meal scheme in Reception, Year 1 and 2) *
Does either of your child's parents serve in the Armed Forces:
Has your child been registered as a 'service child' on the January school census at any point since 2015:
Does either of your child's parents have a full commitment as part of the full-time reserve service:
Is your child a Looked After Child (by the Local Authority) or was in care but ceased to be in care because they were adopted or made the subject of a child arrangement order or a special guardianship order?

I / We grant permission for the personal data we have supplied to be shared with approved Data Processors, Test Providers and other Admission Authorities performing similar testing for any reason deemed necessary in order to ensure the integrity of the process and the tests. At all times Data Processors, Test Providers and other Admission Authorities agree to treat all personal data strictly in accordance with the Data Protection regulations currently in force.
Name of Parent or Guardian: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr)
Todays date
If at the time of the tests you become aware of any circumstances which you feel may affect your child's performance, please contact each of the selective schools you are applying to in writing within 14 days of the tests in order that this may be considered by the Admissions Panel.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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