Penguin's Journey Home

My children's book, Penguin's Journey Home, can be purchased directly through me for $25 (tax included).  Shipping is $5.00 if you want it shipped.  Venmo payment accepted for online orders, or cash/check if I will see you.  To purchase your copy of Penguin's Journey Home, please fill out this form.
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How many copies of this book do you want to purchase? *
Do you want your book(s) autographed? *
IF you want your book(s) autographed, what do you want for the autograph? *
If you want a personalized autograph, please be very specific about WHO I am signing this book to, and any other details.  (ex: "To Susie on one book, and To Bobby on the other book.")
Payment Details
Cost is $25 per book, via Venmo, and $5.00 per book for shipping.  
Your Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Your Phone Number: *
Your Mailing Address (if I am shipping to you)
Any other special instructions or information for me?
Please Venmo me the total cost of your purchase, including shipping.  My Venmo name is: @amygleason2010
Once I receive your payment, I will contact you to confirm your purchase.  Then we will make arrangements to get you your book(s) if they are not being shipped.
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