VOS Membership Application Form
Annual (January to December) membership fee is: $50 corporate, $30 per household (1 or 2 adults); $20 student
E-mail *
Membership Information
A co-member can be included in a household membership (e.g. your partner or spouse), if you are the sole applicant, please leave it blank.
Primary Member First Name *
Primary Member Last Name *
Co-Member First Name
(If applicable, leave blank otherwise)
Co-Member Last Name
(If applicable, leave blank otherwise)
Street Address *
City *
Province/State *
BC, AB, etc...
Postal/Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Please format it with dashes e.g. 604-123-4567, if you use an international number add the country code e.g. +583 123-456-7890
Permission to publish the following in our Membership Directory? *
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