DACA Legal Consultation Request Form

Voces Unidas is supporting 50 DACA holders with legal consultations so they can learn more about work-based visas and other legal pathways. As part of this pilot, Voces Unidas is also offering legal consultations to some employers of these 50 DACA holders to learn more about work-based visas and the options for employers.  

If you are a DACA holder interested in being part of our pilot program, please fill out this form to request a free legal consultation with an immigration attorney. Appointments will begin in August. 

Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis with preference given to individuals who submit by September 30, 2024 at 11: 59 PM Mountain Time.  

Only open to Colorado residents. First come, first served. Must be a DACA holder.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Alejandro Fuentes alejandro@vocesunidas.org
Email *
First Name  *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
City/Town *
Age *
Marital Status
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Country of Birth *
If not born in the U.S., how long have you been in the country? *
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