2023 Jack-o-lantern Trail Pumpkin Pledge
McConnell Springs, 416 Rebmann Lane, Lexington KY
Wednesday, October 25 - Saturday, October 28
6:30 - 10 p.m. each night

Fall is upon us and Lexington Parks and Recreation needs your pumpkins! This Halloween Lexington Parks and Recreation will be hosting our third Jack-o-lantern trail at McConnell Springs. The public will enjoy an enchanting Halloween experience featuring hundreds of hand carved pumpkins as they light up the woodland trail. In addition to marveling at the glow of the pumpkins there will be campfires and s’mores, live owls from Critters in the Classroom and tasty fall food & beverages. Perfect for all ages, this night hike is a great event for all.

That's where you come in! Show your pumpkin carving skills and take the Pumpkin Pledge to help bring this exciting Halloween experience to the community. We would like at least 1,000 carved pumpkins to make it all the way around the half-mile trail at McConnell Springs, but without you, we have no trail! If you donate the carved jack-o-lantern, Parks will take care of lighting them. People can donate a single pumpkin or groups can plan a special concept pumpkin grouping or sculpture. The sky is the limit for creativity and participation!

Pumpkins need to be carved and dropped off between Sunday, October 23 and Thursday, October 27 before 5 p.m. to ensure freshness throughout the event.

What’s in it for you? The Jack-o-lantern trail has become one our most popular community events! The participants that have donated a carved pumpkin love visiting the trail and trying to find their creation in addition to seeing everyone else's handiwork. Also this is a ticketed event for the general public, but everyone who donates a carved pumpkin will receive a voucher to attend in addition to a special edition Cricket Press poster commemorating the event!

If you donate a jack-o-lantern, join us for the "Carve it and & Chip'n" event at McConnell Springs! We supply the tools and stencils, you bring and carve the pumpkin and we'll take care of the mess when you're finished. Sunday, October 22, 1 – 5 p.m. at McConnell Springs.

Have questions? Contact us at aluallen@lexingtonky.gov or 859-288-2925.

Otherwise make the pledge below and we will send you more information with lantern tips, drop-off instructions and voucher information as we get closer to the event. Thank you in advance for your participation!
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