Online booking for Led Retreats
Please complete the form below to register your interest. You will receive a confirmation email within a few working days, to let you know if there is a place, at which point we would ask you to leave a small 'holding deposit' of £50 to reserve your place - further information on how to do that is here -
登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情
Last Name *
First name *
Contact email *
Contact number *
Nearest city
Country *
Timezone *
Relationship to the Northumbria Community (please tick all that apply) *
If you answered 'other' please explain
Have you ever participated in one of our retreats before? (Please tick all that apply)
Which retreat would you like to book? *
If this retreat is fully booked, or no longer available, would you like to be informed when a new date becomes available?
Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you?  If so, please tell us below.
St Aidan's Statue, the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, Northumberland
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
此表单是在 Northumbria Community Trust 内部创建的。 举报滥用行为