EIG - online event registration
We invite you to participate in an online event on escape games tackling Blockchains, as part of the European Integrity Games project. This project, gathering 6 European artistic companies, aims at exploring integrity topics through serious games.

This event will be held on the 19th of February at 13:00 CET, on the Zoom platform. You will discover the European project, the escape game world, meet other Europeans interested in these topics and reflect on integrity in our society! The programme will include an escape game to play online with other Europeans and some actors.

We look forward to seeing you on Zoom for this event, please fill in the following questions to be registered!
Your name *
Your email address (it will be used only to send you information regarding this event) *
Your occupation (artist, student, teacher ...) *
You want to participate in *
How did you hear about this event?
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